Episode #230
Ramon Vargas
“Covering the cover up”
joins us to discuss…
What Texas can do that Louisiana Can’t
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The Angry Catholic Podcast
“He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.”
— St, Thomas Aquinas
Please find below an important letter that was sent to Bishop Bambera on July 11, 2022. We wanted to share this letter with you in case you can help us along with Bishop Bambera answer some of our questions. AMDG!In Christ,Paul and [email protected]...
Response from our Bishop
MAY 03, 2019 OFFICE OF THE BISHOP DIOCESE OF SCRANTON 300 WYOMING AVENUE SCRANTON, PENNSYLVANIA 18503 -1279 April 3, 2019 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ciaccia: Thank you for your recent letter. Please accept this letter in response. Your letter seems...
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About The Angry Catholic Show
There is the Cradle Catholic, the Cultural Catholic, the Cafeteria Catholic and now there is The Angry Catholic. The crisis in the Church should make every Catholic righteously angry. Paul Ciaccia is The Angry Catholic. Along with his wife Kris, they discuss the challenges facing the Church. Each week, Paul and Kris speak with informed, compelling and thought-provoking guests who share their insights about the crisis facing the Catholic Church.
“We can no longer trust our Bishops to protect their flock.” – Paul, The Angry Catholic

Paul & Kris
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