New Episodes!

The Angry Catholic

“You can listen on KCRD-FM Dubuque, iTunes, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Google Play & Podbean”

ramon vargas

 “covering the cover up”

joins us to discuss…

covering the cover up / i lived a naive life / what texas can do that louisiana can’t

episode #230 


Recent Episodes:

peter saunders

 “the truth the whole truth…”

joins us to discuss…

nothing but the truth / perpetrators above child protection / pope francis makes a mess

episode #229 


Fr. michael briese & Gene gomulka

 “the pain & agony from corruption”

join us to discuss…

the pain and agony from corruption / but there is nothing i can do / yes, father michael

episode #228 


Michael gillum

 “silent no more”

joins us to discuss…

silent no more / The bystander effect / the mind of enablers

episode #227 


Mary ann morales

 “a pill for all occasions”

joins us to discuss…

a pill for all occasions / Why does women’s health take a backseat / united hearts life mission

episode #226 


Best of Fr. Anonymous

 “Can they put the pin back?”

joins us to discuss…

Can they put the pin back? / A “stika” in the mud / Bishops building back better

episode #169 


michael hichborn

 “the lepanto report”

joins us to discuss…

catholic campaign for human development – where’s the beef? / u.s. bishops’ quid pro quo / the lepanto report

episode #225 


Christine niles

 “uniting the clans ?”

joins us to discuss…

Christine niles, the SSPX & victims vindicated / uniting the clans? / How do we keep the faith?

episode #224 


Richard windmann & aaron hebert

“warrant served”

join us to discuss…

Warrant served, in the archdiocese of New Orleans / the bishops have known for years / the state will do what the bishops will not

episode #223 


Stephen brady (

 “Make them own it”

joins us to discuss…

Project rape accountability / are our leaders catholic? / stephen brady is at it again

episode #222 


Susan Vance (S.N.A.P)

who is the “porno hook up priest”

joins us to discuss…

Who is the porno hook up priest? / Don’t tell the parishioners / an improper response

episode #221 


mark belenchia

“lies, lies, lies”

joins us to discuss…

mark’s survivor story / conflict of interest / blue-collor advocate

episode #220 


Father David Jenuwine

“We ordained a predator”

joins us to discuss…

The Games People Play / Who are the people in your neighborhood? / to catch a predator

episode #219 


teresa dinwiddie-hermann (ohioans for child protection)

joins us to discuss…

have you heard the one about a principal and a seminarian in cincinnati? / we like sheep have gone astray / ohioans for child protection

episode #218 


kathy kane (

joins us to discuss…

the archdiocese of “filth-a-delphia” / who is lurking at st. john vianney center / secret investigations (st. katharine of siena wayne, pa & msgr. close)

episode #217 


richard coon (survivor)

joins us to discuss…

Richard coon’s story, the beginning / The Church stands alone / and then there’s more…

episode #216 


richard windmann (Scsa)


aaron hebert

joins us to discuss…

comparing apples to oranges / let’s wait em out / protecting another predator

episode #215 


Chris o’leary (Sacrificed podcast) joins us to discuss…

And that’s when things got really bad / there is something worse than abuse / is it time to move on?

episode #214 


rick merfeld (author) joins us to discuss…

living in deception / rick, we’re just trying to field a team / spiritual triage

episode #213 


Kevin Wells (author) joins us to discuss…

the sage the church needs / gentiles love the angry catholic / the priests we need to save the church

episode #212 


Letitia & Alex Peyton join us to discuss…

Resiliance in the shadows / ecclesiastical gaslighting / Fight or flight

episode #210 


Tom Oglesby (KCRD-FM) joins us to discuss…

In rome timing is everything (fiducia supplicans & cardinal becciu) / Bishop strickland in context / what’s playing in dubuke?

episode #209 


Fr. michael briese and Gene Gomulka join us to discuss…

my apology to you and future generations / victims suffer while predators thrive / dear cardinal gregory

episode #208 


joseph gallagher (church militant insider) joins us to discuss…

Our concerns of a cover up at church militant / Church militant’s most recent letter appealing for support while skirting the real issues

episode #207 


Mark & ryan-marie Houck join us to discuss…

“If you take that deal… don’t come home.” / Branding vs. evangelization / Raising kids catholic

episode #206 


Teresa dinwiddie-hermann joins us to discuss…

Forty boys… weren’t enough / A black eye for the buckeye state / dismantling the santuary

episode #205 


Kevin Koscielniak joins us to discuss…

addicted to secrecy / bankrupt with plenty of money / laws the church will follow

episode #203 


Aaron hebert (Survivor) joins us to discuss…

aaron hebert’s survivor story / if only rupnik wore lace / the catholic warrior initiative

episode #202 


John anderson (Survivor) joins us to discuss…

Scared to death, john andersons survivor story / Be very afraid / don’t raise your hand

episode #201 


Adam Dyson (Survivor) joins us to discuss…

adam dysons survivor story / All buffers, no accountability / muzzled and mistreated

episode #200 


Kevin symonds joins us to discuss…

the wheat and the tares / AID – the crime committed against the faith / the fix is not in

episode #199 


susan Vance joins us to discuss…

Stickin it to stika / AID – Too close to home / We need another playbook

episode #198 


George Neumayr joins us to discuss…

What is a “gay mafia”? / a faithful catholic gets banned from the basilica in D.C. / archbishop vigano breaks open the case

episode #197 (remastered/replay)



 Richard Windmann Joins us to discuss…

child usa 

  Child usa / Not just american priests / a mandatory reporter fined 

episode #193 


dr. jennifer roback morse


Joins us to discuss…

  clergy sex abuse: our church, our problem / would you let your son answer this ad? / we didn’t mean to hurt you 

episode #187


jim havens


Joins us to discuss…

  grounded by the “pilot” / catholic e-masculinity / the simple truth 

episode #186


Michael Baumann


Joins us to discuss…

  who are the new lepers in the church? / the bishops hired gun / justice has to be more than money 

episode #185


James egan

(former seminarian)

Joins us to discuss…

  a seminarian tell-all / just a sinner, like the rest of us / the archangel foundation 

episode #184


rich brenz

(gaylord diocesan watch)

Joins us to discuss…

  gaylord diocesan watch / what would gaylord do? / nothing good will come out of this conversation 

episode #183



the clerical predator



  Kevin wester / james egan / thomas doyle directed and produced by sarah pearson 

episode #182


sarah pearson


joins us to discuss…

  Nates mission / handsy cardinal ouellet / manufacturing the clerical predator 

episode #181


joseph sciambra


    chris O’leary…   


Dr. Stephen De Weger

    joins us to Discuss…   


     A paradox among the clergy / a lawsuit against the franciscan friars of the renewal /

a poor response from the church


shaun dougherty (S.N.a.p.)

    joins us to Discuss…   


     A survivor confronts his abuser / exploiting the faithful in altoona / “manufactruring the clerical predator”


eduardo Lopez de casas (S.N.a.p.)

    joins us to Discuss…   


     monsignor “grinder” is back /the new ratline


Duffy and shelly Kane

    joins us to Discuss…   


     Controlling the narrative / canonizing “cordileone” / resistance in the catholic colony


Joseph Sciambra

    joins us to Discuss…   


    If you had just locked the door  / A defense of Monsignor Grinder /Sons of st. Joseph


deacon scott

& letitia peyton


       joins us to Discuss…   


    the tentmakers / diocese of scranton, you are being bamb(era)boozled again! / could it happen to you?  


Chris o’leary


joins us to Discuss…   


    bp. stika keeps sticking it to his flock / bishop hubbard speaks “some” truth / no accountability, no change  


michael baumann


joins us to Discuss…   


   “Off My Knees” at the university of scranton  / Bishop Bambera scrubs Lochney / What survivors have in common  



The Angry Catholic Show

There is the Cradle Catholic, the Cultural Catholic, the Cafeteria Catholic and now there is The Angry Catholic.  The crisis in the Church should make every Catholic righteously angry.  Paul Ciaccia is The Angry Catholic.  Along with his wife Kris, they discuss the challenges facing the Church.  Each week, Paul and Kris speak with informed, compelling and thought-provoking guests who share their insights about the crisis facing the Catholic Church.  

We can no longer trust our Bishops to protect their flock.”                                                                                    – Paul, The Angry Catholic

The Angry Catholic Show

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